Saturday, November 29, 2008

Finally finished the stockings!

I have been working on & off on these stockings for a couple weeks now. It took me so long because the only time I had to work on them is when Tate was asleep. And seeing as the sewing machine is in her room, it doesn't work out very well. I always start a project and feel totally excited about it, until I get about half way through. Then I am dreading it and just want it over with. These stockings were no exception. But I think they turned out rather well. The are fully lined and I'm rather proud of them if I do say so myself. :) And who knows, like every other creative project of mine, I will probably end up amending them. I am thinking of adding snow... Any thoughts?


So this year for Thanksgiving we trekked down to Vida, OR for some Turkey and fun with Tony's dad & step-mom. Spencer spent most of the evening upstairs in the play room.

Tatum was a princess for the day.
This is Tate meeting her step-cousin, Blaze, for the first time.
This is the closest we got to all kids smiling and looking in the same direction at the same time. Not easy.
By the time we had taken 10 million photos, Spencer had had enough. Both Blaze & Tatum kept touching him and he was quite irritated.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tate is 6 months!

So now that baby girl is 6 months old, we absolutely HAD to get some photos taken. Fortunately for me, I know a GREAT photographer. Her name is Angela Cardas, and you can check her out at Cardas Photography. She did pics of Tate & Spence when Tate was 3 weeks old that I posted a while back. Here is just a taste of how she captured the essence of my beautiful baby girl... If you want to check out ALL the photos, just let me know & I'll send you the link and password...

Monday, November 17, 2008

My little non-mover...

I find it entertaining how 2 children who came from the same mommy and daddy can be so different. Spencer has always been a terrible eater, as you all know, but Tatum is a big fan! So far she has eaten peaches, pears, green beans, yams & squash and LOVED it all! The result, a big bum bum. I was starting to feel like I might be neglecting to encourage her to crawl phase. At this age, Spencer was up on all fours rocking back and forth, or rolling from one side of the house to the other. He also loved to hold your hands and pull himself up to stand. Tate, on the contrary, is perfectly content to just sit and watch.
When I do give her some tummy time, half the time she'll push up on her hands and the other half she'll do superman pose with her hands and legs in the air balancing on her tummy.
Today I thought I might encourage her to figure out crawling by trying to put her on her hands and knees. However, I ran into a few problems. First, her pants were so tight (size 12 months but takes me about 5 minutes to squeeze her cute little fanny into them) that she had a hard time bending her legs. She has no problem bending her knees, it's the bending between hip and leg. There is so much junk in her trunk that her poor somewhat little legs have a hard time holding it up in the air. The result, I try and push her bum up from the bottom and she just holds on for dear life.

Needless, to say, we got a little frustrated after a matter of minutes and called it a day. ;)

Friday, November 07, 2008

Pics of Spence

Spence & I went to the park this morning and took some pictures of my little man. I can't believe he is three already!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

6 Months Old

Poor Tate got her shots today. :( Twas a sad moment. She is officially 6 months old now. Not surprisingly, she is a rather large 6 month old. She is 19 pounds 8 ounces (97th percentile) 27 1/4 inches long (94th percentile) & in the 99th percentile for head circumference (if you have seen Tony's big noggin, it's not that much of a surprise). ;) These last few months have just flown by... and she is developing such a cute personality. She's so quiet and patient. When there are moments ( few & far between) when it's silent, she'll start talking... it's the sweetest little, "bobbobobobobob" noise.


Oh My Goodness! Spencer has been calling Tatum "pequeno" for days now. I just thought he had made up a word. He does that from time to time. But then this morning I had the sense to ask him what it meant. He went on to tell this long story about Diego and some animal he was trying to save. He said we watched it the other day and asked if I remembered. Of course I didn't. I don't really pay attention when his "toons" are on. So I decided to look it up. It's Spanish for Small! He's so smart. Why did I not remember this from high school Spanish class? Wow.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Spencer Buddy

Spencer has been super cute lately. Here's just a handful of his cuteness:

I told him he was cute the other day and he emphatically replied, "I'm not cute! I'm cool!"

I always ask him what he wants to be when he grows up. His latest reply was, "I'm gonna grow up to be a doctor & a daddy with hairy pitters & a soul patch!"

Yesterday Tony asked him if he would take out the trash and Spencer replied, "I have to grow a little bigger to do that."

He turned the tables on me and has started calling me "Spencer's bucket."

And almost every night before we tuck him in he'll ask, "Can I cuddle with you just a little bit?"

He's growing up so fast... I can hardly remember when he didn't know how to talk.