Child for Sale!
For Sale: Spencer Zane Jones
- Nearly 3 year old boy.
- Blonde
- Brown Eyes
- Potty trained during the day
- Says "no" to every question
- Throws temper tantrums (including, but not limited to: screaming, biting, spitting, roaring, & snot coming from every orifice on his face) if he goes without a nap, you make him eat dinner, or in the middle of Target for no apparent reason
- Spits
- Hits
- Calls you stupid when given a timeout
- Knows his ABC's
- Likes to watch "a little bit of toons."
Rough day sis?
*snort* Too funny! Hang in there- he'll outgrow this phase soon!
I just read this--I would be more than happy to give you a break---any time! Hang in there--I know you are just as strong willed as he is!
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