Thursday, December 04, 2008

Dirty Bathwater

So the other day Tatum & Spencer took a bath together.

As I was bathing Tate, Spencer pointed out that she had pooped a little in the water. I quickly scooped it up and flushed it down the toilet. Soon after, I took Tatum out and got her diapered and clothed.

While doing so, I heard a sound that was similar to someone swishing water in their mouth. I called out and asked Spencer what he was doing.

He said, "drinking the bath water."

"EEEW!" I shouted. "Tatum's poopy was in that water!"

He responded simply, "But I was thirsty."



susan said...


James Furlo said...

THAT is one of the grossest things I have EVER read on the Internet. It would probably get lots of votes on Digg.

heather170 said...

That's classic!

Jennie said...

Ohhh...LOL. That's so gross.
*sigh* The "special" memories we get as parents...

Dominic said...
