A lot has happened since last I posted. Spencer is officially a little boy. In 2 days he managed to get 2 different owies on his face. The bruise on his forehead is from doing jump circles and landing on a wire basket. The one on his cheek is a faint reminder of turning to run down the hall and running into the couch instead. Poor guy. And now he has pneumonia for the fifth time! Seriously? I took him into the doc on Friday and they said he was fine. Saturday his fever would not break and I knew something was wrong. I know it sounds crazy, but whenever he gets pneumonia he emits this kind of foul odor. So I took him to urgent care and low and behold... pneumonia!
Tate has managed to stay healthy, despite giving her big brother lots of big kisses.
Tate is officially 9 months old. She is turning out to have quite the sweet personality. She loves to talk. She can now say Mama, Dada, and bruh (brother). Saying Spencer is a little too hard for her. Even Spencer had a hard time with his own name. I think he went through pesser, pencer, sipter, senser before finally figuring it out.
She loves giving kisses (as you can see) and is perfectly content to sit and play or watch Spencer. Tatum usually falls asleep in the car if we go somewhere during naptime, but a couple weeks ago, as opposed to falling asleep, she was more content to watch Spencer sing. He cracks her up every time! It's nice that she finds him entertaining and he loves doing it. :)
Seeing snapshots of you and Tony in their faces is my favorite part about pictures of Spencer and Tatum. Also: you two make some pretty cute kiddos. Word.
wow...those are amazingly cute photos! I love those kids! And you no doubt! Java? Soon?
I hope Spencer's feeling better. I can always tell when I have strep throat because of the way things taste.
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