Tony started with an older Honda Accord when we got together... And I drove a 1997 Suzuki Esteem. We were young, broke and they did their jobs... got us to and fro...

Right before we got married I totaled my Suzuki (my one and only accident) and got myself a cool Mazda Tribute - 2001. A big improvement from my postage size prior. And as Tony's car started to fall apart (the clutch was totally busted) he got a massive gas hog: the Ford Taurus.

After about 5 months of being married we were pregnant! And soon after I realized I didn't want to be driving a stick with the baby in the back. And I've always wanted a Jeep Liberty... so we got the Renegade. It was awesome and this wicked army green color too! Tony wanted something a little more friendly on the environment so he got a cute little blue VW New Beetle. Yes, he picked it out all by himself. And yes, he is apparently comfortable in his sexuality. :)

After our 10 pound child made his way into this world we realized we needed to think bigger. Within the first 4 months we had to get a bigger car seat, and we realized that the cool, but not so realistic Renegade could not fit a car seat turned backwards in the back seat with a 6'4" Tony, driving or not. So our next purchase was (and to this day my favorite) the 2006 Subaru B9 Tribeca. I LOVED THAT CAR! We also realized that we couldn't fit Spencer's car seat in the back of the Beetle if need be either, so Tony got a 2006 Honda Civic. Both blue...

We soon realized that 2 ridiculously high car payments was just not doable. So Tony sold his Honda and got a modestly priced Audi A6 Quattro while for the first time in a long time, I kept my Subaru...

I know what you all think... it's ridiculous how many cars we have had... But if you think about it, it's kind of like dating. After going through all these cars, we have really honed in on what we want and don't want in a relationship... er uh, car.
So here's the deal...
I want YOU to help me pick out a new car!
Everyone says now is the best time to buy, and we agree. Tony is going to keep his Hyuandi since it gets great gas mileage and is just a commuter car. But I ABHOR my Charger. I don't like how the doors only open half way or all the way, I hate how low it is to the ground. And we want to have another baby in the next year or two and will be needing a vehicle with 3rd row seating.
So here's my list of wants in our next vehicle. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please let us know!
- 3rd row seating (I totally would have kept the Subaru if we had gotten 3rd row seating)
- Either a hybrid larger SUV OR crossover SUV (Don't want a big SUV unless it's a little friendly on the environment)
- Used
- Around $20k
- Would LOVE to have Nav and Entertainment package!
Thanks so much! And happy hunting!
I have several friends who have Chevy Trailblazers. I have ridden several times in my one friends' ...they have the extra long one with 3rd row seating and we regularly get their 2 kids, my 1 kid, and then 4 adults in there. The gas mileage isn't horrible for being a larger SUV. I'm not sure what kind of 3rd row seating you're going to find in a small SUV or crossover.
We had a Toyota LandCruiser when I was younger but the 3rd row was a joke and we never used it. (I'm pretty sure the current equivalent is a Lexus something or a Toyota Highlander.)
Maybe a Honda Pilot?? I don't know if they have 3rd row seating...
Get a minivan. You've tried to get cool cars and struck out every time (or gotten tired of them) so obviously the cool factor doesn't last. Get something functional, and buy/use/lease it for what you need it for, not because it's cute. Yep, get a minivan.
The newer VW Eurovans are my favorites, they are very cute with lot's of space and let's face it...who can turn down a card table and reversable seats? My personal favorite are the silver one's wih a cargo rack and black bra...can't go wrong with a bra. ;)
Jennie: We've been looking at Honda Pilots and they look pretty nice. I know what you mean about the pathetic 3rd row seating in some. It's kind of frustrating. Especially since now you have to have your kid in a booster seat (takes up more room than it should) until they're 8!
Dommer: Dude, what's so great about a minivan? I know it's got more space, but it's not like it gets better gas mileage. And it's not that I've gotten tired of these cars, we've had our reasons for changing cars... And if it weren't for the pricetag, I think I would have kept the Subaru forever!
Jolene: Tony loves the new VW minivan too. I think it's the only acceptable minivan in his eyes. :)
Also, as an update, another must have is AWD. When it froze/snowed this winter I felt totally helpless without an AWD!
I agree with Dominic, get a minivan! Sure it's a challenge to feel cool when you're driving a minivan around town but when it comes to practicality it wins hands down. You can get a really nice minivan with all the bells and whistles that's only a year or two old for under $20k very easy. Our minivan gets the exact same MPG as our Ford Escape (small SUV) which is about 20MPG which is about what you're going to get in the category of vehicles that are designed to haul a lot of people.
I love that I can change a diaper, nurse, and do all kinds of things in the roomy privacy of our van. The stow and go seating is a huge plus as is our DVD player. It rocks. Another huge plus is that I can get both kids in the car, close the door, and then proceed to get them buckled into their car seats before climbing to the drivers seat in the front. Talk about a life saver in a rain downpour!
I'm pretty sure you can find a van with 4WD but even if you don't you'll find that a van is pretty secure on winter roads. They're big, they're heavy, and they perform pretty well on ice in our experience. We drove ours through white out conditions in the Gorge last December without chains without any problems.
Most SUVs with 3rd row seating are going to be pretty large and won't have any better gas mileage then a van. We looked at some when we were car shopping for our last two vehicles and they just don't seem very practical for every day use. They'd probably be fine for occasional use but if you're planning on having more car seats in the car you'll probably want a car that is built with extra room in mind.
Good luck in your car hunt, I know how frustrating it can be. Used car hunting can be the worst headache but finding a car that works for you within your budget is totally worth it!
My pick is a Honda Pilot!!! The doctor that I use to work for had 3 boys and she loved her Honda Pilot. I've also known 2 other people that own then and they love them as well. That's what I would really like to get if we are ever able to get another vehicle. I also like the Chevy Trailblazers that's what Tiff and Jeff have. They ride super smooth and are easy to get in and out of the back. Dennis doesn't like the looks as much though so that one is out for us. Go with the Honda Pilot they aren't too big but not to small plus have the 3rd row seating and Honda is a good company :)
Good Luck!!!
I vote for honda pilot. i mean I really vote for BMW X5 but you have aleady ixnayed german.
Honestly I got a little confused on your 'taste' in vehicles when you bought the charger. It really seemed different than your normal taste and took me by surprise. Not that it's a bad car...just not what I pictured you in! ;) So I don't know what to recommend...I really don't see you in a minivan though.
Hertz does have a 2006 B9 Tribeca for 18,900...
I am so impressed by Kellie's response! I have had so many people tell me that a minivan is so practical but I have never in my life been told why. Thank you so much for opening my eyes to that!
That being said, there is one reason to NOT get a used minivan as our next vehicle... In my recent search for the perfect minivan, dvd player & nav system included, I have found that every single one that I have seen under 20k has been absolutely trashed! Used minivans are not nice! I like to think that I take care of my cars and it's hard to want to buy something that I know was not necessarily taken care of.
That being said, I think I might still be in search of the perfect Honda Pilot circa 2005-2006. I have heard great things and if I can find one that hasn't been chewed up and spit out, then I think we'd pull the trigger.
Oh do I feel your pain!!! Know I understand your post on my blog! LOL
I'm not sure if you guys have made a decision yet, but have you looked at the Volvo XC90? Volvo's are known for their safety features, and the XC series is pretty aesthetically pleasing as well. Check it out here: The XC60 was released this year with a City Safety feature - the car will brake itself if a collision under 20 mph is imminent. I've test driven this feature and it's AMAZING. It would have prevented the only 2 accidents I've had! I'm not sure if it is available for the XC90, but if it is that would be great! My 2 cents. :)
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