Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Heart of our Home...

As a child, our family spent most of our quality time together in the "great room." We always ate dinner together and watched Jeopardy afterwards (while my older brother sat at the table yelling out the answers as he ate... VERY slow eater). Another big thing we did together was watch movies and eat homemade caramel popcorn. But times have changed a lot since I was a wee tyke...

Now that I have a family of my own, I've found that we spend a lot of our time together in our bedrooms playing with the kids. I don't remember both of my parents down on the floor playing with us very often. Perhaps it's because there was 4 of us and we entertained each other, but I find that our happiest and most memorable times are spent hanging out on the floor of Spencer & Tatum's room playing airplane or Saturday & Sunday mornings when we all linger in bed tickling, tackling & teasing the kiddos. I never thought that the heart of our home would be the place we sleep, especially since as a child it was the place we never wanted to go since the "go to your room" statement always meant we were in trouble. I hope that we continue to spend a lot of time playing with and enjoying our children while they still want us to.

What do you think? Where is the heart of your home? Leave me a comment & if you do, you'll help me win a new Samsung washer & dryer courtesy of Twittermoms! Then I'll be able to do even more laundry and fold it in our bedroom with the kids! I've recently discovered Spencer & Tatum LOVE to find our pile of unfolded clean laundry in our room and play dress up. Very entertaining...


Unknown said...

A new washer and dryer? That sounds like the greatest thing on the planet.

Lyssy said...

win a washer and dryer, YAY

StephBucher said...

The heart of my home is my kitchen, but I'm sure that will change when we have kids!!

Happy Washing and Drying!!

Daniel_P_Henderson said...

yay piles of unfolded clean laundry!

Melinda Mae said...
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Melinda Mae said...

Ours is probably the... hmm I can't decide - wherever Dominic and I are hanging out together :)

Apothecary Inn said...

My donkeys are my heart. I wish they could reside in my home, but Ryan keeps saying no, even when I said we could buy Frieda a giant, donkey-sized litter box.

Charlotte said...

I would say the kitchen. I'm starting to love to cook and Braeden loves to hang out with me while I cook!!!! hope you get the washer and dryer!!

Dominic said...

With my wife. Sorry...What is: with my wife.

Alex Adams said...

I don't really have a heart of my apartment with my two roommates... Maybe the front room where we all sit around on our laptops? (ps I never knew until about a week ago that Samsung made appliances!)

Jennie said...

I hate doing laundry. I'd love a new front-loader...but I need some sort of auto-folder also. :/

susan said...

I'm totally with you on the "lingering in bed with the kiddo on weekend mornings" thing. It's the best. :)

Sarah Grosenbach said...

Such darling little kiddos. Josh says hi.

Anonymous said...

I remember my mother asking my brother and I to help her sort socks. She could never tell which belonged to whom. I complained, but now I look back with interest...we always sorted on my parents bed of course!

Dr. B said...

I was forced to fold laundry growing up and i hated it.... Now it's my favorite chore! Here's to a shiny new washer/dryer for you!