Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Details...

I promised the details... so here they are...

I came into the hospital yesterday morning at 7am. I was hooked up and ready and received my dose of the devil around 8:30am. Contractions remained steady and strong all day. However, my body did not progress as much as I was hoping. By 1:15pm I was only to 3 cm. But my doctor gave the okay to get my epidural so she could break my water. Finally, at 3:30pm the doc broke my water. She checked me again at 6pm before heading home for dinner and I was only at 5 cm. I was so disappointed! It seemed like the process was taking forever!

But by 7pm I was starting to feel a ton of pressure and despite the epidural I was in pain! So my lovely nurse, Paula, decided to check & I had progressed to 7 cm. Not what I was hoping, but close. Within 20 minutes I found myself in tears from the pain of trying to hold the baby in. She checked & sure enough I was 9 1/2 cm. Paula called the doc, who lives only 7 minutes away... But the pain was absolutely terrible.

The nurses started talking about bringing the ER doc up in case mine didn't make it. But my amazing doctor knew that I was ready to push, so she hurried over here, and instead of waiting for the elevator, she ran up the stairs. Out of breathe she sat down & I was finally allowed to push. Four minutes later, yes you read that right, 4 minutes later, out came Tatum.

She seemed so much smaller than Spencer! But after cleaning her up, measuring & weighing her... She was 21 inches long (same as Spence) and 9 pounds 4 ounces! Smaller, but only by a pound. Not bad for being a week early! Good thing I got induced, or I would have given birth to another kindergartener! I don't know what my deal is. I guess I just like big babies. ;)

Tatum is beautiful though. She looks just like her big brother did when he was born, but she's my delicate flower. So far she is a very mellow baby. She nursed for over an hour and just sat & stared at me afterwards without crying. Last night she slept from 10-3 am and woke up without a peep. I didn't even realize she was awake until I turned the light on to find her eyes were open. She nursed another hour & a half and went back to sleep without fuss. The only reason I'm blogging right now is because she's still asleep but snoring! Not to mention I'm starving & the food service doesn't open until 7am! I can't wait for Spencer to wake up & get her to meet his brand new baby sister! I'll add more pictures of her later when she wakes up...


Melinda Mae said...
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Melinda Mae said...

Congrats Carrie, we are very excited for you and we look forward to meeting Tatum and seeing you guys again.

k. crow said...

Wow, she looks a lot like Spencer! Congratulations, I am so happy for you and your family.

Jennie said...

Congratulations!! Wow - you sure do know how to make 'em big! :) I said a few little prayers for you yesterday. Glad everything went well. She's beautiful. (This is Jennie Henderson again, BTW.)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations again, Carrie! Tatum is just perfect!

Blondee48 said...

Wow she is such a sweetie! Can't wait to hold her. And Carrie you look so beautiful for just giving birth what a beautiful glow of true happiness and love.
Love you girl

Unknown said...

Congratulations! David said she was beautiful and that you guys looked like you were doing great. Of course he didn't manage to let me in on her middle name (men!) but to his credit he remembered her birth weight. And yes, it certainly seems you grow big babies!

Caldwell Chatter said...

Congrarts Carrie, Tony, & Big brother Spencer. . . Tatum is beautiful you guys did a great job. I am very glad to see that you guys have a blog. Looks like things are well for you guys.
