What am I going to do?
So Tony has taken the week off to help me adjust to mommyhood and I cannot be more grateful. Spencer has gotten tons of Daddy time that he deserved & needed. And I've gotten a chance to really bond with my new baby girl. I am getting a little nervous for next week though. Going from having an extra set of hands to just me is nerve-wracking. I love my kiddos to death, but Spencer has been demanding a ton of attention and I'm really afraid I won't be able to give him all the attention he needs. Any ideas would be fantastic!
In true random fashion, here's a pic of us after a very long Mother's Day...
I found that being on my own with both kids was scarier in anticipation then in reality. It's like anything else, the more you do it the more comfortable you get with it.
Some good advice I got was to not try and divide my attention equally in the beginning because the baby won't remember taking the back burner but your toddler will. So I've let Ethan cry more then I ever did when Grace was a baby but sometimes there's just no choice. He doesn't seem any worse for the wear so I try not to feel too guilty!
Good luck! I'd love to come down sometime and meet your little girl, let me know when a good time might be :)
I could totally come and hang out/help either on Monday for most of the day or Wednesday after noon or all day Friday. Let me know...
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