Monday, June 01, 2009

I'll admit it, I am a 13 year old girl, but a 13 year old girl with dreams!

I don't read. No really, I literally abhor reading. In the 4th grade I got glasses for reading and I have since sworn reading off so I wouldn't have to wear my glasses. Purple frames with purple lenses, you would have stopped reading too if you had to wear such a hideous attempt at fashion in the 80's. Since then, I sort of read in high school (cliff notes), rarely read in college and I have read only 7 books for pleasure in my entire lifetime. Four of those 7 were the 4 books of the Twilight Series...

I am in love with Edward Cullen. I know, I'm not 13 and it's probably pretty pathetic that a 27 year old woman will admit to such things. But I cannot stop thinking about those books! It's like they put some sort of drug in between the pages. I started reading Twilight only because a friend of mine lent it to me to read on the 5 hour flight to Hawaii. Within 2 days I was finished and needed more. I downloaded the rest of the series onto my iPhone and finished it all within 2 weeks. Let me re-emphasize... I DON'T READ. It's that good.

So last night I was checking out the trailer for New Moon, book 2 of the series, and got so completely giddy, I invited myself over to one of my girlfriend's houses to re-watch Twilight. The second time around was just as good as the first, aside from one minor detail... Kristen Stewart ruined the main character.

I say this in the nicest way possible, but she did an awful job. I cannot believe someone actually thought that she would do this role any justice.

I am not one to criticize people who have talents that I do not possess. I'd never say anything about fencing or football, or marketing, etc... I am no good at such things, and therefore usually keep my mouth shut. As for acting, not to toot my own horn, but I have been acting since I was 3, and I have a hard time when I know I can do better than some people who actually get paid to act.

With that in mind, I have made it a goal of mine to somehow get cast in the 3rd movie of the Twilight series: Eclipse. I heard that they start filming in the Portland area in August. Please please please, if you have any information as to the when and where or casting fill me in! Seeing as Portland is an hour and a half away, I am gonna need all the inside help I can. If Kristen Stewart can do it, why can't I?


Jessie Brown said...

Ohmygosh. I love Edward Cullen too...and I'm 30!! :) My fiance teases me about it all the time. I saw the trailer last night too and did the exact same thing - rewatched Twilight. Kristen Stewart is not the best, but I still will purchase and watch and re-watch all 4 movies until I have to buy another set.
I wanted to jump up and down last night. I cannot wait.

Jessie Brown said...

p.s. pass along the "goods" when you find out about filming in Portland...if you are willing too. I know twilight juice is golden.

Jolene Brown said...

I went to the midnight release party for Breaking Dawn at Borders. I competed with 12 year old girls in Twilight trivia (and spanked them by the way- some of the moms didn't appreciate that) and stood in line for an hour to have my face and arms painted with "Team Edward" :) And I'm not ashamed! Can't wait for the movie!

Jennifer said...

Ok one... Edward= HOT but Jacob is hot in the movies!! I'm so with ya on the excitement!!

2. You SO should be in the movie! That would be great!!

3. You're right, I don't think she did that great of a job, she's SP awkward, and strange. maybe Bella is suppose to be that way but I dunno, this girl always looks high!

Own Self said...

If I hear anything, I will absolutely spread the word. But I'm gonna need the same in return. ;) I am such a huge dork. I actually sit and think about the possibility of being in the movie whilst day dreaming. Ridiculous, I know.