Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hump day...

Lu is officially off oxygen, they even took the tube off her face! She is no longer hooked up to monitors that were watching her blood oxygen saturation, breaths per minute, & heart rate. The nurse took out her IV this morning! So no more taped head. :)

The only toob (I keep writing toob instead of tube because I have boob on the mind) left is the one that feeds her. She is being an awful stinkerton (as we say in our house) and refusing the boob as well as the bottle. It is officially the ONLY thing keeping us from going home. If she would only eat. I am praising Jesus for healing her lungs but at the same time am feeling completely rejected by Lucy.

But it's Wednesday, and since it's Hump Day I'm really hoping she'll get over it and we can go home and see our other babies whom I miss like crazy!


crystalkupper said...

I can imagine! Maybe she's afraid to eat, like a negative association?

TSHAA said...

Glad she is doing better! God is good! I'm sure her appetite will kick back in soon and she'll be eating like crazy in no time! Thanks for keeping us updated!

Anonymous said...

Praise GOD!